Simulator -- April 2015
Simulation Software Last Updated May 2024


The Simulator project was started to answer a number of questions:


To test these technologies, I decided to simulate point particles.
With my previous simulator, I had used Lorentz's Force Law in combination with Newton's Second Law to simulate particle motion, and roughly approximate the electric and magnetic fields from the particle positions and velocities.
$$\vec{F}=q(\vec{E} + \vec{v}\times\vec{B})$$ Lorentz Force Law for a point charge in an electric and a magnetic field
$$\vec{F}=m\vec{a}$$ Newton's Second Law
$$\vec{E(r)}=\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\sum\limits_{i}\frac{q_i}{R^2}\hat{R}$$ The steady-state electric field at \(r\) given \(\vec{R}\) (the vector from a point charge to your point \(r\)) summed over all particles.
$$\vec{B(r)}=\frac{\mu_0}{4\pi}\sum\limits_{i}\frac{q_i\vec{v_i}\times\hat{R_i}}{R_i^2}$$ The steady-state magnetic field at \(r\) given \(\vec{R}\), summed over all particles.

However, these approximates above don't account for the time that it takes for changes in a particle's position to be visible to other particles, because information only travels at the speed of light. These approximate equations above are only correct for non-relativistic, steady-state situations.

For this simulation, I used a (less approximate) equation from my E&M course and stored the history of each particle's motion so that time effects could be properly considered. By setting \(\vec{u}=c\hat{R}-\vec{v}\), the following equations were used:

$$\vec{E(r,t)}=\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\sum\limits_{i}\frac{q_iR_i}{(\vec{R_i}\cdot\vec{u_i})^3}((c^2-v_i^2)\vec{u_i}+\vec{R_i}\times(\vec{u_i}\times\vec{a_i}))$$ An updated electric field equation, but where the vector \(\vec{R}\) accounts for when the particle was given a light speed delay
$$\vec{B(r,t)}=\frac{1}{c}\hat{R}\times\vec{E(r,t)})$$ An updated magnetic field equation, calculated using the updated electric field equation

I didn't add the Abraham-Lorentz force to these equations because the particles spontaneously accelerates when done so, with that level of detail also beyond my level of understanding.


All-in-one screenshot of two orbiting charged particles.
All-in-one screenshot of two orbiting charged particles.

In terms of the software, this screenshot shows:

In terms of the simulation, this screenshot also shows the electromagnetic waves being propagated over time, as expected.

Surprisingly, I found programming in modern DirectX to be extremely similar to programming in modern OpenGL. In both cases, you:

Even the shading languages (HLSL/GLSL) are very much C-like, with minor differences. Overall, if you know how to do vertex-array-based OpenGL or DirectX programming, you'll be able to transition into using the other language very, very quickly.