CodeGell -- June 2014
Games Software Last Updated June 2024


CodeGell project tested if real-time CSG generation with volumetric texture map creation was feasible for use within a computer game.

Overall, while performance was acceptable rendering one object, the resulting application was not scalable for use within a production computer game

A volumetrically-rendered checkerboard
A volumetrically-rendered checkerboard

CodeGell uses a modified version of the Netgen library, which I had stripped-down to only generate triangles, surface meshes, and overall improve performance and usability for realtime operations.

When given a description of an object, this program will send it through my Netgen variant to determine the triangles forming the object' s mesh, put the triangles on a texture image, and fill the texture using an appropriate volumetric voxel texture. With this process, CodeGell renders in real-time object cuts and holes instead of the defined triangles of an object itself.

CSG from Netgen, without volumetric textures
CSG from Netgen, without volumetric textures


This program uses modern OpenGL 4.0 rendering, along with GLEW, Surface-Netgen-Fork, and GLFW3.

For more information, see the source code on GitHub.

'Watermellon' volumetric texture shaded object
'Watermellon' volumetric texture shaded object
Volumetric fragment-shared object